<p><strong>Steve Jobs</strong> made first Apple computers in the garage.</p>

Steve Jobs made first Apple computers in the garage.

<p><strong>Pablo Picasso</strong> had problems remembering the alphabet.</p>

Pablo Picasso had problems remembering the alphabet.

<p><strong>Thomas Edison</strong> ingenious inventor was thrown out of school after three months</p>

Thomas Edison ingenious inventor was thrown out of school after three months

The road to success is bumpy and not obvious. The history of progress is often written by eccentrics, rioters, rebels.

Those who have the courage and strength to think, live, work differently.

How would life be without iPhones, tablets, internet?

Or without cubist painting?

Can you imagine a world without a light bulb?

We are here to make your life easier

What is meant to be something special for the competition is our standard. What seems best to them for us is just good.

What they are afraid to think of – it is a challenge for us.

The Rebbelion is an escape from well-trodden paths, common management, sales and distribution schemes. No fake promotions and off-season sales. It’s breaking patterns, mixing colors, inverting meanings.


What do we offer and what do we specialize in?

Perfect solutions for companies from the IT industry, retail chains, and institutions.

The best products and IT technologies at the best prices.


Have you spotted a cool e-gadget in Tokyo or San Francisco, you do not know what it’s called, where to look for it

how to get it – give us a CALL or EMAIL US.

Press the button

Would you like to improve the quality of your life, and have control over productivity and entertainment? Discover the offer on our second page and move into the world of all things SMART!



Dawid “Dave” Szymkowiak

studied management, but he has always been fascinated by computers and modern technologies.In the IT industry for 15 years, for 10 years in the distribution sector. He cooperated with potentates on the Polish market as well as with European companies.

Knows everything about the latest smartphones, tablets and consoles, but he loves old records. He’s passionately collecting vinyls. Great fan of Depeche Mode and Muńek Staszczyk.

Mariusz “Justin” Łojek

well known from the loud transfer from politics to the world of IT. Gained his professional experience in the media.

He loves football. As a kid, he almost lived on the pitch, and after that…  sat down in front of his Commodore C64 and played MicroProse Soccer. Due to serious injury, he had to give up his dreams of a footballer’s career, so he was left with only a console. He could play Fifa day and night, but he is not only passionate about Play Station. He spends a lot of time in the kitchen – no, not eating, but cooking – and on walks with his beloved maltese dog Fifi.

Patryk “Cygan” Rzepnikowski

Graduate of logistics and transport in University of Banking. He has always been fascinated by new products in the IT world. Patrick loves all tech gadgets, he can talk about his toys for hours. Passionate about football, however now he prefers to spend his free time with daughters.
He is fascinated by Hungarian cuisine and thick golden chains.

Hubert “królik” Zając

The youngest member of the team. Hubert – he gathered experience in trade already when he was a teenager selling Donuts with caramel to fitness trainers.He has successfully worked in the industry for more than 5 years. Specialist in the field of trade in Central and Eastern Europe. On a daily basis, he is a fan of Pokemons and old cinematic movie hits. Never says no to bagels and burgers. Old highlanders mention that he led the people of Israel through the Red Sea.


Karolina Milczarska

She completed her studies at the Higher School of Personnel Management in Warsaw, majoring in Sociology. For the past 12 years, she has been involved in the IT industry, having worked for the market’s biggest players, and now she continues her work with us. Ambitious and persistent, she strives for her intended goal with determination and sets the bar high for herself. In her free time, she enjoys cooking and baking cakes using the latest Thermomix model. She also likes to clean and take care of her own and other people’s children. Just like Cinderella, she met her prince charming on a white steed and now lives in a palace by the lake with her faithful Wi-Fi. She is interested in music, nature documentaries, and attends ceramics classes where she creates figurines of Mary.

Michał Puzia

He is interested in new technologies and constantly keeps track of newly established start-ups. He has unconventional ideas of his own, such as a team-based Escape Room in VR goggles. He gained his first sales experience as a teenager, trying his hand at trading clothing and used phones. From a young age, he has been interested in motorsports, especially rallycross racing. He nurtures his passion on the computer screen, testing his skills in sim racing competitions. After hours in the kitchen, he tries to tame the Thermomix but never refuses a burger or kebab outing. After his visit, the Berlin restaurant received a Michelin star.

We support

Pride of Pomerania


Rebbelion regularly cheers and supports the local football club. In our hearts always Pogoń is. Pogoń Szczecin MKS. Our character’s strength is. Pomeranian pride and honor ours.

A boxer from Szczecin

Sebastian Wiktorzak

Sport is an important element in our lives. It is our passion. It teaches the principles of fair play, discipline and the pursuit of goals.
We do not pass indifferently by our future champions. Sebastian Wiktorzak gives us great satisfaction that we can stand behind his back.

Care and education facility

“Lakeside House”

We know how important childhood and adolescence are. Rebbelion supports a local-neighborhood institution in Szczecin Dabie in difficult moments.
Thanks to this support, the children have visited the Poznan Zoo, seaside towns, attend the ice rink during the holidays, enjoy the nearby cinema.

Contact us





Wiosenna 110/4
70-807 Szczecin

Łączyny 3
02-820 Warszawa

+48 505 147 149
+48 888 324 733

+48 022 868 2143